Rainwater Harvesting

The aim of the Rainwater Harvesting project is to provide access to piped running water for deep rural areas that currently depend on rain water or travel for miles to fill water. Water is a necessity of Life!

This system that we develop is efficient and easy to use and will provide water to the poor.

The persons that usually benefit the most are those who are elderly, large families with single parenting settings, those who have disabilities and are unable to work and under developed communities. We currently focus on communities in Portland, located on the eastern side of the island of Jamaica.

What we need for each project (may vary based on the terrain of the location)

  • 250 liters or 55 gallons Food grade barrels
  • Pipe
  • Blocks
  • Gutter & Fittings
  • Accessories and connections
  • Water Filter


Please See our Most Recent Project below:

The project was a two series rain barrel system which accommodates storage of 500 liters of water. We connected a ¾" PVC pipe and ran it to an outlet pipe. The project took us Five (5) hours to complete.

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